Game HUD & Interface Concept Design
I started working on a User Interface for a Unreal Engine 4 game concept, and I really liked how it all turned out. The interface is split into two major element. the HUD and the MENUS. The HUD is placed on top of the game world when the player is running around, controlling the little “concept guy” in the middle of the screen. It shows things like Active Quests, Health/Energy, Team Status, a Chat/Heads Up box, as well as Slots for Abilities and XP gains. All of the Iconography is placeholder art for the HUD.
The HUD design for this project had two simple goals: (1)Bring a compliment to the Low Poly style of the game world, but also (2) maintain the “toony” look and feel of the character designs to bridge the gap and bring these two very different styles together. I am really happy with how it all turned out.